Hardware Trend: Flash Storage is the Future | Curvature
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Hardware Trend: Flash Storage is the Future

They want faster access to their data… and they always will!

More than a trend, flash storage is well on its way to becoming the industry storage standard for data centers and various other IT environments.

And for good reason. With a reputation for speed and reliability, flash storage solutions offer the power and flexibility needed for everything from advanced computing functions to enterprise-level virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) implementation.

Flash storage is fast. Really fast.

Gone are the days of relying solely on spinning hard drives.

Traditional drives may still be less expensive and offer more storage space than their SSD counterparts; however, today’s ever-evolving IT environments increasingly call for the speed and raw processing power of flash storage. To illustrate the quickness alone of flash storage (specifically, an all flash array), consider the read/write speed of Dell EMC’s SC SERIES all-flash solutions:

Max throughput (reads):*
SC7020F: 29,000 MB/s
SC5020F: 19,000 MB/s

Max throughput (writes):*
SC7020F: 14,000 MB/s
SC5020F: 9,500 MB/s

That’s fast.

And even though applying flash storage solutions like solid state arrays (SSA) to real-world use cases such as cloud computing, SDN and VDI optimization projects sometimes require a mixture of art and science (or hybrid solutions that utilize both flash storage and HDD storage technologies), speed on the ground remains critically important.

Flash storage is moving toward broader adoption

As the industry works toward creating, supporting, and maintaining more and more powerful IT infrastructures, hardware and hardware deployment and integration strategies must evolve to keep pace.

In fact, Microsoft considers flash storage as a core component of its recently “proposed standard” that “seeks to separate lower-level flash hardware management functions from the functions that have to do with managing the stored data, leaving the former on the flash device, while pushing the latter to the host.”

Broader present-day adoption of flash storage technology is certainly logical and we have every reason to believe that demand and flash capabilities should improve in the future. The International Data Corporation (IDC) recently reported that the “Worldwide Enterprise Storage Market Grew 34.4% during the First Quarter of 2018,” one indicator, among many, that flash storage enjoys a healthy outlook in the IT industry.

Costs are dropping

It makes sense that our world’s expectation of ever-increasing speed and performance would drive adoption of faster and more powerful technologies. Further, mass adoption and consumer demand eventually work together to drive down prices, which is certainly good news for IT professionals looking to maximize their return on investment of new hardware and component purchases.

And rather than always opting for new hardware, why not take advantage of pre-owned technology to save more? Curvature carries a broad selection of pre-owned, quality-assured servers with the added benefit of skilled advice, ready to guide you through the complexities of flash storage implementation.

Ready to see how the speed, ease of use and power of flash storage can transform your IT environment?

Contact Curvature today to learn more.


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