Gartner ITFiPAM Wrap-up: How to Stay On Budget & Innovate | Curvature
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Gartner ITFiPAM Wrap-up: How to Stay On Budget And Innovate

Half of the hands in the audience raised when our Chief Product Officer Mark Nichols asked, “How many of you use or have heard of third-party maintenance?” Three years ago, when we talked with attendees at this same event, third-party maintenance was barely on their radar.

Curvature has sponsored this event for the past three years, knowing that our cost-savings strategy would resonate with the finance and procurement decision makers who attend. This year illustrated that having options and alternative strategies on how to incorporate new technology into existing infrastructures is top-of-mind.


Since we can’t predict the future, Mark Nichols’ presentation looked to the past and illustrated a 10-year view into a typical middle to upper-middle enterprise’s traditional buying journey with scheduled manufacturer upgrades for their IT environment. That 10-year journey was compared side-by-side to an alternative path and what that would look like form a budget perspective. The cost difference is staggering and the attendees were listening. Curvature’s strategy and speaking session, “How to Stay on Budget and Innovate,” struck a chord and captured a significantly larger audience than any other session in its time slot.

Freeing up your IT budget so you can do more with less was clearly something all attendees responded to.

And it’s the message we share with our customers day in and day out.

  • Prepare for emerging new technology
  • Optimize your IT environment and keep your dependable IT assets working by extending their product lifecycles
  • Consolidate all of your support contracts into one for flexibility and efficiency
  • Reduce your organization’s capital and operating IT infrastructure expenditures without negatively impacting performance
  • Allocate those savings (50-90%) to business innovation and new technology that will positively impact the growth of your business

You can learn first-hand about this alternative strategy; watch Mark’s highly attended Solution Provider Session at ITFiPAM above or reach out to one of our representatives today.

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