Why Choose Curvature for zSeries support? | Curvature
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Why Choose Curvature for zSeries support?

Are you looking to further your investment in your zSeries environment?

Here at Curvature, we can help clients save money and extend the ROI on their IBM mainframes as well as all the attached peripherals. In today’s IT world, clients are looking for different ways to cut costs, extend the lifecycle of their current systems, and avoid the pitfalls of the manufacturer treadmill.

Curvature’s people, parts, and processes make it possible for clients to move their hardware over to a third-party maintenance provider like Curvature. We have invested over $5 million in our own zSeries lab, with systems ranging from the zEC12/zBC12 all the way to the old Multiprise 3000 and 2003.

Our Central Engineering team (which provides our Level 2 and 3 support and has over 20 years of mainframe experience) takes a hands-on approach to research and development. In addition to developing our own proprietary call-home tool, the team also develops and trains our engineers in a real-world environment using Curvature’s training curriculum.

With the investments we’ve made with our zSeries lab, we are able to stock tested parts in each of our brick-and-mortar service centers. We have over 100 staffed service centers worldwide, including Canada, China, Denmark, India, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States. With this global reach, we are able to track, test, and deploy our parts with in-house logistics teams to meet any client’s service levels. We speak 20 languages and have 1.25 million devices under support. No other third-party maintenance provider has the zSeries footprint that Curvature has. We service and monitor hundreds of mainframe clients worldwide.

When talking with clients, one of the main questions they ask is, “What am I losing by moving my zSeries mainframe to Curvature support?” The simple answer is … nothing. We make the transition from IBM to Curvature seamless. We developed our own call-home technology called REM (Remote Enterprise Monitoring) that allows a client’s Hardware Management Console (HMC) to contact our call center with all the details needed to resolve an issue. We also have the ability to order Machine Code License (firmware) updates directly from IBM’s Technical Service Management Office on the client’s behalf.

If you are interested in saving on hardware maintenance costs or reducing software or licensing fees, Curvature’s product management and strategic sourcing group can help.

Learn more about our IBM zSeries mainframe maintenance and contact our experts for a quote.

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+1(704)921-1620 [email protected]