Cisco End-of-Life (EoL) Guide | Tech Guide | Curvature
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Cisco End-of-Life (EoL) Guide

End of Life Doesn’t Mean Dead – It Means Time to Buy

Understanding the stages of the Cisco EoL process and your options for acquiring and supporting EoL products can be a big help as you plan your network and select your equipment. Our Cisco experts have put together this simple guide to help you understand the key stages of Cisco product retirement.

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Stage 1: End of Life Announcement

This is just a notification that Cisco will eventually stop supporting a particular product. Feature freeze goes into effect on the platform and no new features or expansion modules will be added to the product line. No need to panic. Curvature will continue to sell and support these products for years to come. Learn more

Stage 2: End of Sale (EoS)

Typically one year after EoL is announced, the product can no longer be ordered through Cisco channels. The product however, is still eligible for Cisco maintenance and is still receiving IOS maintenance updates and bug fixes. Need something that is EoS? Curvature sells and supports Cisco EoS products. Click here to view our catalog.

Stage 3: End of New Service

At this stage, it is no longer possible to put the unit under a new Cisco service contract, though existing contracts can be renewed before they expire. You have options! Consider NetSure® – Curvature’s maintenance and support offering – for continued support on EoS products. View your support options.

Stage 4: End of Software Maintenance Releases

Cisco stops issuing any additional IOS updates for the unit.

Stage 5: End of Contract Renewal

Device is no longer eligible for any Cisco maintenance package.
NetSure® continues to offer industry-leading maintenance packages on Cisco EoS products. 

Stage 6: Last Date of Support (LDoS)

Within a year or less of the end of contract renewal, the unit then goes Last Date of Support (LDoS), and Cisco stops all support for the product, thus making it obsolete in Cisco’s view.
Curvature will continue to sell and support EoL products. Contact us to find out how we can help extend the life of your network.

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